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Freshwater Crayfish 2(1): 211-225 (1975)


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Microfluorometric determination of calcium in the hemolymph and other tissues of the crayfish

Adegboye JD and Hirsch PF  e-mail link

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Calcium (Ca) concentration in the hemolymph of the crayfish was determined by a fluorometric micro-methos which was precise, rapid, and applicable to solutions containing as little as 0.05?g of Ca. Hemolymph (5?l) was deproteinized in 2 ml 10% (W/V) trichloroacetic acid. Then 3 ml of cacein solution (1.2 mg calcein per 100 ml 0.9N KOH) was added to the hemolymph-acid mixture. The fluorescence of the Ca-calcein complex was measured. The method, which compared favorably with automated spectrophotometric analysis for Ca, was suitable for repeated sampling of hemolymph from the same crayfish.

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How to Cite

Adegboye JD and Hirsch PF. (1975). Microfluorometric determination of calcium in the hemolymph and other tissues of the crayfish. Freshwater Crayfish 2(1):211-225. doi: 10.5869/fc.1975.v2.211



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