A comparison of life history strategies and energy reserves of crayfishes occupying permanent and temporary water bodies
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Procambarus clarkii (Girard, 1852) and Procambarus zonangulus Hobbs and Hobbs, 1990 are cambarid crayfish that thrive in seasonally flooded wetland habitats in warmer temperate areas. Astacus astacus (Linnaeus, 1758) is an astacid crayfish that thrives in permanent water bodies in cooler temperate areas. Both Procambarus spp. retreat into simple burrows to escape elevated temperatures and desiccation and to reproduce. Reproductive activities normally coincide with dry periods so that young are released when wetlands flood. Some P. clarkii will lay eggs in any month of the year but P. zonangulus is an annual spawner. These Procambarus spp. may be confined to burrows for up to 8 months so they store large quantities of energy in their hepatopancreas for both survival and reproduction. In contrast, environmental conditions for A. astacus are generally much more stable and energy stores are considerably lower.
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How to Cite
Lindqvist OV, Huner JV, Henttonen P and Könöene H. (1999). A comparison of life history strategies and energy reserves of crayfishes occupying permanent and temporary water bodies. Freshwater Crayfish 12(1):449-461. doi:
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