Freshwater Crayfish 12(1): 923-924 (1999)
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The effects of different photoperiod/temperature regimes on somatic and reproductive growth of the eastern white river crayfish, Procambarus acutus
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A 3 x 4 factorial design consisting of 3 photoperiods (ambient natural light cycle, 16L:8D, or 10L:14D) and 4 temperatures (ambient pond temperatures, 5°C, 15°C, or 25°C) were used to test the effects of photoperiod and temperature combinations on maturity status, ovarian development, spawning success, and juvenile production during an annual spring cycle. Each replicate contained a male and female crayfish housed in containers receiving filtered pond water from one of 4 temperature-controlled tanks. Male and female crayfish were collected from earthen ponds in March and maintained in assigned treatment containers (n = 78). Crayfish were fed ad libitum an intensive shrimp diet (40% protein) twice daily. Ten female crayfish were sampled initially, and on days 21 and 42 five females (and accompanying males) were sampled from each treatment. Thereafter, and continuing every 3 weeks, 10 pairs were sampled from each treatment until day 189. Data for males and females included: whole body and midgut gland weights, and carapace and total lengths. Ovary wet weight and egg color of females, and testes and sperm duct wet weights of males were determined. Gonadosomatic and hepatosomatic indices were calculated. All parameters and derived indices were compared at each sampling period or by degree-days or degree-hours.
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How to Cite
Daniels W, McAbee B and Blank G. (1999). The effects of different photoperiod/temperature regimes on somatic and reproductive growth of the eastern white river crayfish, Procambarus acutus. Freshwater Crayfish 12(1):923-924. doi:
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